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Illumination Dreams

Illumination dream information - the meaning behind Illumination dreams.

The meaning behind Illumination Dreams

If you see strange and weird illuminations in your dreams,
you will meet with disappointments and failures on every hand.

Illuminated faces, indicate unsettled business, both private and official.

To see the heavens illuminated, with the moon in all her weirdness,
unnatural stars and a red sun, or a golden one, you may look
for distress in its worst form. Death, family troubles,
and national upheavals will occur.

To see children in the lighted heavens, warns you to control your feelings,
as irrevocable wrong may be done in a frenzy of feeling arising over seeming
neglect by your dear ones.

To see illuminated human figures or animals in the heavens,
denotes failure and trouble; dark clouds overshadow fortune.
To see them fall to the earth and men shoot them with guns,
many troubles and obstacles will go to nought before your energy
and determination to rise.

To see illuminated snakes, or any other creeping thing, enemies will
surround you, and use hellish means to overthrow you.

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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.

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