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Abandon Dreams

Abandon dream information - the meaning behind Abandon dreams.

The meaning behind Abandon Dreams

To dream that you are abandoned, denotes that you will have difficulty
in framing your plans for future success.

To abandon others, you will see unhappy conditions piled thick around you,
leaving little hope of surmounting them.

If it is your house that you abandon, you will soon come to grief
in experimenting with fortune.

If you abandon your sweetheart, you will fail to recover lost valuables,
and friends will turn aside from your favors.

If you abandon a mistress, you will unexpectedly come into
a goodly inheritance.

If it is religion you abandon, you will come to grief by your attacks
on prominent people.

To abandon children, denotes that you will lose your fortune
by lack of calmness and judgment.

To abandon your business, indicates distressing circumstances in which there
will be quarrels and suspicion. (This dream may have a literal fulfilment
if it is impressed on your waking mind, whether you abandon a person,
or that person abandons you, or, as indicated, it denotes other worries.)

To see yourself or friend abandon a ship, suggests your possible
entanglement in some business failure, but if you escape to shore
your interests will remain secure.

For more dream meanings:

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Dream dictionary entry taken from 10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. Psychologist World provides these definitions as a courtesy and is not responsible for, or for any consequences resulting from the use of, Miller's archaic dream interpretations.

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